Placenta Colorado

Quick and reliable placenta encapsulation for Denver, Colorado Springs, and beyond brought to you by Doula for Denver.

Questions? Check out our FAQs below.

  • Placenta encapsulation through your choice of the steamed or raw method. Most placentas yield 130+ capsules. Includes dye-free placenta print and pick-up and drop-off.


  • Available as an add-on for encapsulation. 16oz starter tincture with 4oz dropper bottle included.


  • Available as an add-on for encapsulation. All-purpose salve for cuts, scrapes, burns, and bruises. Available in frankincense and rose, lavender, and peace and calming blend.


  • One dozen frozen heart-shaped portions of your placenta that can be added to smoothies. Provided in addition to your encapsulation.


  • Available as an add-on to any service or package deal. Placenta print using edible dye colors of your choice. Price is per print.


  • Full Package (includes encapsulation, tincture, salve, and smoothie drop-ins): $335

    Tincture/Salve Package (includes encapsulation, tincture, and salve): $310

Frequently Asked Questions

Placenta CO offers encapsulation for Colorado families through two methods:

Steamed Method:

In the steamed method, your placenta is cleaned, the amniotic sac and umbilical cord are removed, and the placenta is drained of any blood. Next, it is steamed until reaching 165 degrees before being placed in a dehydrator until completely dried (usually 12-15 hours). After drying, your placenta is ground into a powder and placed into capsules.

Raw Method:

In the raw method, your placenta is cleaned, the amniotic sac and umbilical cord are removed, and the placenta is drained of any blood. Without being steamed, your placenta will be sliced into thin strips and placed in a dehydrator until completely dried (usually 15-18 hours). After drying, your placenta is ground into a powder and placed into capsules.

What’s the difference?

The steamed method aligns with Traditional Chinese Medicine teachings that recognize the placenta is not considered healing until heated. This is sometimes the preferred option of parents who are GBS+ in pregnancy since steaming kills any bacteria.

The raw method yields more capsules than the steamed method, and typically shows quicker, more noticeable positive changes in mood and energy. Most of our placentas are encapsulated through the raw method, though it is entirely the choice of each client.

More FAQs

If you have a question you don’t see listed, send us a message. We’re happy to help.

  • Though we are based in Denver, we are excited to offer placenta encapsulation to folks from Fort Collins to Colorado Springs and jst about everywhere in between. If you aren’t sure if we’ll come to you, please reach out so we can work out a plan!

  • While research is still being done on the benefits of placenta consumption, anecdotal evidence is strong and placentophagy (the act of eating one’s placenta) has existed across different cultures since the beginning of time. Those who consume their placenta after birth report increased energy, increased iron levels, quicker postpartum recovery, and a more balanced mood. Check out some of our favorite information regarding placenta consumption below.

    Placenta benefits

    Theories of placentophagy

    Placenta rituals and honoring Placenta

  • Placenta encapsulation is a safe option for most birthing folks. However, if you have hepatitis or HIV/AIDS, consuming your placenta is not recommended. Parents who develop a uterine infection during labor (chorioamnionitis) should also avoid encapsulation. If either of these contraindications apply to you, please still reach out. Placenta CO recognizes the placenta as a sacred part of the birth experience, and we would love to inspire you with ideas on how you can honor your placenta even when plans change.

  • As stated above, placenta encapsulation is only contraindicated in rare cases. As with all decisions you make during pregnancy, talk with your midwife or obstetrician about whether encapsulation is a good choice for you. If you have specific concerns or questions, please send us a messaged through our contact form.

  • You aren’t the only one! Placenta CO offers several placenta services beyond capsules. Many of our clients who cannot swallow pills opt for placenta tincture, placenta powder that can be mixed into smoothies, or raw placenta smoothie drop-ins.

  • Because we follow strict guidelines to maintain a clean and safe processing environment, we do not provide tincture services alone. The tincture only uses a small portion of your placenta, and your remaining placenta needs to be put to good use! We can provide the tincture as an add-on to placenta pills, smoothie powder, or smoothie drop-ins. If you truly only want the tincture, we will gladly return your placenta to you with the tincture for an additional cost. Many families who choose this ceremonially bury their remaining placenta beneath a tree.

  • Your placenta is an extension of you! You are allowed to keep your placenta as long as the hospital does not need to take it to pathology (this usually happens when an infection or abnormality occurs). Be sure to bring a cooler and long-lasting ice packs to your birth so you can keep your placenta ice cold. Placenta CO is available for pick-up usually within 12 hours or less of your call. Item description

  • Of course! We have had many unique requests over the years (our favorite being vegan Oreo-flavored placenta truffles) that we’ve successfully made happen. Feel free to share your ideas through our contact form and we will see what we can do. Please note that additional costs may apply if your request requires additional materials and/or research.